But the Magister sends her on a mission to Pangu Lagoon before their names can be cleared, as she lied to get Torque released.
Clear My Name: While she gets arrested by Neera after barely surviving Brevon's torture in the Thermal Base, the Magister finds Lilac and her friends innocent. Chronic Hero Syndrome: Right down to the Robin Hood-esque profession, Lilac suffers from a case from this as Carol's Affectionate Nickname for her of "Little Miss Heropants" indicates. Calling Your Attacks: " CYCLOOOOOOONE!". Boobs of Steel: Lilac has the largest and most noticeable bust of the main playable characters and without needing to use any weapons, magic or motorbikes to fight, is their most physical brawler. Threaten Milla in particular? Simply put, God help you. Beware the Nice Ones: She's quite friendly, polite and good-natured, but woe betide you if you threaten innocents or her friends. She also really doesn't like being called a "sparkly twit".
She flies into a full-on unstoppable rage at Brevon after the final battle when he makes that mistake.
Berserk Button: Threatening or harming Milla. Badass in Distress: At the end of Stage 6, when Brevon captures and brutally tortures her, and needs Carol and Milla to help her escape. Lilac: Your machines won't save you from the dragon you've unleashed! I WILL DESTROY EVERYTHING YOU THROW AT ME! I WILL MAKE YOU PAY FOR WHAT YOU HAVE DONE! She's a determined fighter that can use her hair to spin, boost, and perform upper and lower cut attacks, but she's also a peppy Genki Girl in the form of a violet mini dragoness. Badass Adorable: Splits the difference between Carol and Milla. Anti-Hero: Subverted as she and Carol, while having used to be members of the Red Scarves, left the organization some time ago. Airplane Arms: Does this when running on a half-corkscrew. Action Girl: She's a fast and powerful water dragon that can hair whip, kick, and spin attack any foe in her way to protect her planet.
Lilac uses her whip-like hair for heavy strikes and her spinning cyclone manoeuvre. Selflessly rushing to rescue the pilot, she unwittingly catapults herself to the forefront of the impending conflict. She and Carol are on their way to steal from the rich when she spots a plane hurtling out of control into the countryside. A water dragon and the main character of the game.